АКУПРЕС-М  Възглавничка с колан
АКУПРЕС-М  Възглавничка с колан АКУПРЕС-М - Възглавничка с колан АКУПРЕС-М - Възглавничка с колан АКУПРЕС-М - Възглавничка с колан АКУПРЕС-М - Възглавничка с колан Масажор за кръст - АКУПРЕС-М  Възглавничка с колан

Acupress-M Magnetic Pad with a belt

Price: 31.60 EUR



Acupress-M Magnetic Pad with a belt is a massage tool which combines acupressure and magnet therapy. It consists of a soft textile pad with a size of 32/17 cm. An array of plastic blossom elements, with built-in magnets, is securely attached on it.

The plastic elements work mechanically on the acupuncture points of the human body. This leads to an analgesic effect in the corresponding area and restores normal energy flow in the body.

For greater comfort, when massaging your waist, attach the pad to the belt.

The built-in magnets allow for a combined effect of magnet therapy and acupressure. Adjacent magnets are oriented in a repeating “north, south, north, south" pattern. A north pole has a relaxing effect, whilst a south pole provides stimulation. Together they help restore the body's energy balance.


Acupress-M Magnetic Pad with a belt has a positive effect on lower back pain, headache and insomnia. It provides a pleasant and relaxing effect and helps fight the stresses and strains of modern life.


Feedback from our customers:


HRISTO YOTOV – 60 years old

After a jerk I remained in a bent position. On the same day I began a procedure with Acupress - M Pad with a belt because of the severe pain I had in my waist area. After the third procedure, I felt much better. Since then my pad has always been with me especially when I travel. I know I can always rely on it to relieve my pain.


ASYA KAMENOVA – 54 years old

I had discopathy and hard pain in the waist. Unfortunately, all the pills and creams I tried had only a temporary effect. Then a friend of mine told me about the Acupress-M products. I bought the Acupress - M Pad with a belt. After the second procedure I felt better and haven’t taken analgesics since then.